Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Sameera Reddy hot

Always be Professional most people think modeling is a laid back and easy going profession when is actually the opposite. From the moment you show up, pay attention, act professional so people will enjoy working with you, and offer you more work.If you are going on an audition or casting call do not bring friends, children or parents (unless you are under 18) because most agencies will not accept it. However for safety reasons, if you are unsure about the company or person you are going to see, we advise you bring someone.

Be Yourself always be yourself, relax and be comfortable because it all ends up showing when you get in front of the camera. Being yourself also means being honest when asked questions or asked for your opinions. Do not be intimidated or pressured into doing something you are not comfortable with, for example if you are not comfortable with nudes or implied nudity do not do it to please the photographer, simply say no.

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