Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Asin Hot Photos

The 4 Steps to Starting Modeling:

Step 1. Do Some Reading we highly recommend that you do some research by reading about the modeling industry so you can be aware of the way the industry works, the scams and also to better prepare yourself to get involved

Step 2. Build a Portfolio you are going to need some professional photos other than the snap shots you have to build your portfolio. Do not spend hundreds of dollars on this, instead ask photographers for test shoots, get involved in modeling shows, or volunteer to model for a college photo class. Collect all the photos you get and put at least ten good shots into a nice portfolio binder, now you have something to show agencies and clients. The more photo shoots you do the more experience you get.

Remember the modeling business is very competitive and there will always be someone who is taller, prettier and in better shape than you, so keep a positive attitude, learn to deal with rejection and you will do just fine.Also remember you cannot buy a modeling career so beware of people who will try to sell you your dream with expensive portfolios, photo shoots and pointless modeling classes.

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